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Monday, November 26, 2012

A true sense of adventure involves a willingness to step out of your comfort zone

Standing in the Storm by Karin Syren
The gritty definition for the change called TRANSFORMATION suggests that life as you have known it has changed and will likely never be the same again.
Of the three faces of change, alteration/modification, swapping/replacing,Brian Tracy, and transformation, transformation is generally the most radical and therefore the most difficult to weather.
In planning transformative change, or when you sense its approach, begin to look for a spot of familiarity or residual normalcy. Start to take stock, recording your observations to help you manage them as the process unfolds. Make no sudden moves, considering your responses carefully, and finally, expect to be surprised, knowing that the unexpected can be around any corner and is surely the order of the day.
Here then are a few of the characteristics which can help you emerge victoriously from transforming change. Cultivating these characteristics increases your change hardiness. When all is said and done, you want to be standing when the dust clears. It has always been "change or be changed." So let us begin,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Grey Boots.
1. Flexibility
One of the connotations of flexibility is elasticity. But better still and more valuable is suppleness. What a wonderful image.
A wrestling teammate of my son was the picture of supple. He was a risk taker whose positions were often precarious. But he was so supple, he would slither out of them repeatedly, a pleasure to watch. This same characteristic is useful when change seems to have you pinned.
The ability to completely relax, go loose in the face of the tidal wave of change, instead of tensing, will insure the suppleness to slither through the toughest elements of transformation. I am not advocating unnecessary risks, but a sense of adventure and fearlessness is helpful.
2. Willingness
Are you motivated? Whether the transformation is your idea or is being imposed on you,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots, willingness will lessen the discomfort of the process.
Be prepared to view the situation through other eyes, purposely taking a new point of view. It may not alter your thinking about the change and its necessity, but it will adjust your perspective and that is healthy. You will develop valuable insight into the origin of the change you are dealing with and your future insights,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Black Boots, pro and con, will be more valuable.
3. Vision
Those who have worked with me, in my classes, workshops or in private practice, know where I stand on Vision. It is stimulus and influence, the key to success in all areas of life.
The first step to everything is knowing what you are doing here in the first place, your Mission. Once clear on that, Visions are what shape lives, careers, entire futures and are the evidence of your life Mission. Without Vision, you meander aimlessly though life, dissatisfied at every turn. And without Vision, change of any kind will plow you under.
With Vision comes clarity,Start with a question, the understanding of your role in a given situation and the ability to focus your efforts and energies on the area that is specifically yours. From clarity of Vision comes on-target Goals to bring the Vision to fruition.
When you are clear, focused and motivated, change is not so daunting. Strong clear Vision births passion and ideates Goals. What more could you ask in the midst of transformative change?
4. Self-confidence
True self-confidence, not cockiness or brashness, is a valuable commodity whatever the challenge. A true understanding of your core value, your worth, will see you through the most traumatic types of change. It begins with self-esteem, that rare commodity in a society obsessed with self-improvement. I am definitely not against reasonable self-improvement, given a vision, a focus and a plan.
We are constantly beset by allegations that we cannot be worthy without whatever is currently for sale. Pick up any magazine and you are reminded on every page that your hair, clothes, skin, body shape, etc., do not measure up to some shifting standard set forth by those expects we call "they."
Self-esteem does not migrate from the outside in, but comes from within. It is knowing you are valuable, worthwhile, whether your home is upgraded, whether your wardrobe, body and hair are currently in style, whether you drink designer or corner donut shop coffee. It is certainty at your core that you have a purpose, a job to do, and you are the best one to do it.
Assurance arises from that, security in your mind, freedom from self-doubt, and that brings you to the point of self-confidence. Know that you have something to offer that only you can offer and the world is waiting for you.
5,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Chocolate Boots. Resiliency
Resiliency might easily be confused with flexibility, but it has another dimension we need when facing radical transformation - durability, hardiness, the ability to come back strong no matter what.
The perennial comes to mind. In my garden I have a number of annuals, which grow quickly, bloom profusely and spread actively, providing that burst of instant garden we love. But they have no staying power, no durability. At the end of the hot summer, they are spent, ready to be yanked out of the garden. They are lovely while they last, but they are short-lived.
Ah, but the perennials, slower to grow, slower to bloom, often not profuse until several summers down the road, continue on year after year, putting down strong root systems and withstanding the toughest winters.
Showiness has its place, but the hardiness and ability to come back after the deep freeze and the driving snowstorm, now that's something to possess.
6. Sense of adventure
A true sense of adventure involves a willingness to step out of your comfort zone, taking calculated risks and experiencing a certain enjoyment at the prospect of exploring the unknown. Children possess this characteristic and know how to bring it to almost every game. Somewhere along the way from childhood to adulthood, it is misplaced. If you don't accept the risk, you will never successfully ride the change wave and may not even begin the process. Run it by your accountability partner,if you think about it., someone with a proven track record, someone you can trust,.
7. Fearlessness
If I haven't tripped you yet, this may be the characteristic that does. Take a closer look and you will see fearlessness is the end result of cultivating the rest. Flexibility, willingness, self-confidence, hardy resiliency and childlike sense of adventure bundled together wear the tag of fearlessness. Fearlessness develops as the end result of courage, which is simply acting in the face of fear.
Cultivate these characteristics. You are not born with them, so you have as good a chance as anyone to learn them. Then go forth right into the raging wind of change, knowing that not only can you withstand the experience but you are equipped to add value in the process.
Copyright 2006 So-lu'shunz Leadership Services

200 published studies in 2004 alone on the benefits of forgiveness.

African Americans: Decide Your Destiny, Master Your Mind, Part 4
Prayer and forgiveness
Prayer and forgiveness are very spiritual by their nature,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Chestnut Boots. Prayer represents our communication with God and forgiveness is a godly act even us mortals are empowered to perform.
Prayer - Studies have demonstrated that sick people recover faster when people pray for them then when no one is praying for them. This holds true even when neither group knows if people are praying for them or not leading some to conclude that the power of prayer is an independent power.
Some people and even a few preachers demean the act' of prayer by repeating clichés like God helps those who help themselves' or that we need to get off our knees and take action versus taking time out to pray,about boring work and the author point out the very gladness and positivity he found there. His own stories make you think about stories of your own and how to find gladness and shares his tales about how he tried influencing happiness at his workplace. Some of them worked—while some did not. As I began to read his experiments with joy progressing. I say that prayer is action. Prayer puts you in touch with the Creator of the universe.
If you have any self limiting beliefs that you can't overcome using the above strategies then using this one can trump all obstacles and this is it - If God be with you, who can be against you,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots. If you believe that is true with all your heart, nothing can get in your way for very long. Prayer can enlighten, calm, clear the mind and help you find strength and wisdom when you need it. As African Americans, we have a strong spiritual heritage of Christian faith. I strongly urge you to use the gift of prayer to seek wisdom and understanding from the Source above.
Forgiveness - This is an extremely difficult and supremely divine act that we are empowered to perform. As much of the legacy of slavery, lynchings, discrimination, segregation, poverty, brutality and injustice plague our communities today, each one of us must muster the strength to forgive even those that don't ask for it. This will help us to reduce the power of these emotional anchors to the nuisance level as Publisher and CEO Earl Graves calls it.
Christ died on the cross long ago so that I could find my own redemption from the sins I committed almost 2000 years later. Put your forgiveness on the table today as Jesus did. Not everyone will accept it but that is fine. When you forgive in your heart, you rid yourself of excuses for not putting out your best efforts everyday.
Forgiveness is a very potent and mighty power,Whatever you truly want. And it is a power that you don't have to be cautious about how you use it. It will change your life and possibly the life of others around you because forgiveness changes everyone affected by it.
I remember when Reginald Denny forgave the boys that attacked him during the riot that occurred in L.A. after the Rodney King verdict that acquitted the officers that brutally beat him,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots. I saw the parents of those boys crying and giving the biggest and warmest hugs to Mr. Denny. It was heart warming to see and unbelievable under the circumstances but forgiveness seems to have that effect on people. That moment began the healing of a deeply divided and desperate city.
Like so many of the skills and strategies I mentioned previously, the power to forgive and the willingness to exercise that power gives you control. The power is in your hands, which is right were you want it.
I understand that these are apparently very spiritual principles and they may seem odd to those that don't hold any deeply rooted spiritual beliefs. There are therapeutic benefits to prayer and forgiveness that go beyond their obvious spiritual benefits. They can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, restore relationships and maybe even lead one to a higher level of inner peace. In fact, there are 1,200 published studies in 2004 alone on the benefits of forgiveness.
The foundation, A Campaign for Forgiveness Research,UGG 1984, states that there are at least two benefits of forgiveness. One,we have progressed in so many ways, forgiveness reduces the stress associated with the state of unforgiveness. Bitterness, anger, hostility, hatred, resentment and the fear of being humiliated again all have negative health consequences. They even can cause hormonal changes that can lead to immune suppression, heart disease and memory problems. Secondly, research shows that people with strong social networks of friends and family tend to be healthier then loners. In a sense, forgiveness means setting yourself free of your own suffering.
For those who do have deep religious beliefs, you already understand the power here. Either way, I highly recommend you get as much practice at this as you can. The more of these strategies that you put to work for you, the more easily you will find yourself able to get into highly resourceful states. These are just a few of the most effective ways to gain maximum leverage over your mental and emotional states.
Your mastery over yourself is the foundation upon which the rest of the skills for the 21st Century are built. Lottery winners are examples of people that acquire wealth but have not achieved personal mastery. The odds are that they will lose everything they won and end in bankruptcy just a few short years after hitting the jackpot. They had the wealth but lacked the mental discipline and preparation needed to keep it.
This mastery is especially crucial when it comes to developing the next skill required to succeed in this new economy. All seven skills and dozens of strategies can be found in the downloadable ebook, "The 7 Simple Secrets to Wealth Building: An African American's Guide to Wealth Building in the 21st Century and Beyond" available at .

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Personality That Your Handwriting Could Reveal by Khadijah Ibrahim

Personality That Your Handwriting Could Reveal by Khadijah Ibrahim
It is not easy to explain to people about how to determine the personality through their handwriting, especially to those who have never heard of the science of handwriting analysis. It becomes a more difficult task explaining it without the illustrations or samples of handwriting.
Without any illustrations or samples of handwriting, you have to use your imagination to imagine how the words look like while I describe how they would look like. I take this as a challenge and this will be the first step for me to introduce the science of handwriting analysis to you.
Let's look at three simplest but important traits that could be seen in handwriting.
Thinking pattern
There are four types of thinking pattern that could be seen in the handwriting. I am going to explain one. Look at how you write your "m" or "n". If your "m" and "n" have a rounded hump, in a way something likes the small "m" use in this article; this means that you have a cumulative thinking pattern.
What it means by cumulative thinking pattern is that you understand things facts by facts. For example,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Black Boots, when you read a book you need to read the first page followed by second page and so on. You could not skip a page, as you would not understand what the whole book is all about.
Your thinking pattern is like building a house. You must start with the foundation followed by the wall and then only the roof,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Chocolate Boots. You cannot go the other way round,professional.
Since you need to understand thing facts by facts that make your understanding slower compared to other type of thinking patterns. Nevertheless due to this your memory retention is better than other types of thinking patterns.
Your self-esteem could be seen in the height of the t-bar on the t-stem. The lower the t-bar on the t-stem the lower your self-esteem is. To increase your self-esteem you need to increase the t-bar to at least two-third of the t-bar stem. The best would be exactly at the top of the stem, like you are writing a capital "T". If you think that this would make you handwriting look weird,What are the public speaking topics you need to consider to become a great public speaker, two-third of the stem should be enough.
You need to practise writing the t-bar at the height of at least two-third of the stem until you are unconsciously writing this way. It may look easy and it is.
You need to understand that when you write, you are not writing with only your hand. You also write with your brain, muscles and nerves. If your handwriting that comes from your brain could show your habit; your personality then you could actually give an instruction to the brain to have the habit or personality that you want.
Think of it this way, if someone could give you an instruction of what to do, you could do the same to that person too.
Why is high self-esteem important?
It is important as when you have a high self-esteem,planning ahead does help. Once you know what you want, you will set a higher goal and you will believe that you would be able to achieve it. Having a high self-esteem would mean that you believe in yourself and your capability without the need to wait for others to believe in you.
This is the most important trait in order to achieve success.
Of all the traits or personality that people have, I am really confident that honesty would be the first on your list that you would want to know about others.
Researches have shown that there are 40 dishonesty traits that could be identified in handwriting and it would be beneficial to us to at least know one or two traits. I am going to explain to you one of the lying traits, a very simple one.
If you look at a page of handwriting and you find that the whole page of the handwriting is illegible, you must start to question the honesty of the writer. For example you look at the "a" and you are not sure whether it is actually an "a" or is it supposed to be an "e".
Or you look at the word "came" and you see it as "name" or "mane" or something similar throughout the whole page of the handwriting, an alarm bell should start to be ringing in your head.
You might notice that I said the illegibility must be throughout the whole page of the sample of the handwriting not just one or two words. I am saying this, as we are all human beings not angels. There are times we do lie and sometimes people call these as white lies.
Therefore when you look at a one-page sample of handwriting and find that there is one word or alphabet that is illegible, do not quickly make an assumption that the person is a liar or the person is dishonest. The trait must re-occur throughout the whole page of the sample handwriting before we could question the person's honesty.
I have explained to you three simple but important traits for you to be successful,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Black Boots. To be successful you need to understand what your thinking pattern is so your learning process would be easier. You need to have a higher self-esteem so that you would believe in yourself no matter what the situation is and you could find honesty inside yourself and people around you.
With the explanation above you could start to learn more about handwriting analysis, understand yourself better and make improvement to yourself and people around you.
Copyright (c) 2009 Khadijah Ibrahim

Friday, November 23, 2012

Your Goal

Anger And Resentment:10 Tips And Instant Strategies by Bill Urell
Anger and resentments can blemish even the best of memories. All of us have wonderful childhood memories: afternoons on the garden swing spent eating fresh apple pie; Saturday morning cartoons while we ate our favorite cereal; and evenings getting tucked into bed, with wishes of sweet dreams. Not all of us, however, possess such memories: there are the bouts of anger, fights between our parents,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots, even beatings. No wonderful childhood memories can ever make a child forget a stormy childhood; such a childhood may even lead to resentments later on in life.
Resentments can stem from anywhere: they can start in childhood, continue into the peer pressure of adolescence, and persist well into adulthood when we are old enough to bear long, deep-seated grudges. Although resentment is a fact of life, it is not necessarily the best way to live life. Resentment can eat away at our energy, making us feel lethargic and unable to perform simple tasks. Resentment can also affect our social lives: we may find it more difficult to form friendships or romantic relationships if our emotions have been stunted by an ill-formed childhood, or traumatic adolescence.
You can deal with resentment, however, by following these ten simple tips. Before plunging into these activities,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Chocolate Boots, you must remember that these are not the only ways to deal with resentment. As you go along the road of spiritual and emotional growth, you may find your own ways of dealing with resentment, and of coping with what is holding you back from progress. Use these new techniques to help others deal with their resentments, and soon, you will find yourself healing.
1. Have a spiritual life. Although this may seem to be an abstract concept, having a spiritual life can actually make you more introspective, and can allow you to examine yourself, and know yourself better. A spiritual life need not necessarily involve your joining a religious group. It can involve you enrolling in yoga classes, or exploring meditation. Find ways to understand yourself from within,Notice there are no questions dealing with money, and you will soon know where your resentments come from.
2. Write a gratitude journal. Take any ordinary notebook, decorate it according to your tastes and whims, and make a commitment to devote its pages only to showing your gratitude for what you receive. Every day, at the same time, make it a habit to write down five things that you are thankful for receiving. The things can be as simple as a morning greeting from your best friend whom you have not spoken to in years, or as big as a promise of a raise from your boss.
A gratitude journal can help you see the brighter side of life. By concentrating on what you should be thankful for, you are also forcing yourself to see beyond the debilitating effects of resentments. You can begin to heal by knowing that there is more to life than hurt and pain.
3. Don't be afraid to seek support. Join a support group, and talk about your resentments. Talking about your problems can help you understand where your resentment is coming from, and can allow others to give you advice. By feeling a sense of brotherhood (or sisterhood) with others, you can also feel less alone in your problems, and better about yourself.
4. Listen! A common human weakness is the inability to listen, and a support group should teach you to not only talk about what you feel, but listen to how others feel as well. If you listen to others, you might find inspiration in their stories; you might also find that your problems are not as great compared with theirs, and thus be more thankful for what you have.
5. Confront the person. If the person whom you resent, or who has bred resentment in you, is still alive, find a way to contact the person,Depression and stress related Emotional Burnout. Make peace as soon as you can. If you can extract an apology, then be thankful; if the person is persistent, then walk away. The most important thing is that you were able to meet your resentment head on.
6. Learn to forgive, even if it has to go slowly. Forgiveness is the key to making peace with yourself and ultimately dealing with resentments. If you learn to forgive, you can also learn to let go of anger and control your temper,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Black Boots. Forgiveness can go a long way.
7. Don't take the anger out on others. You might have children or wards, or even close friends, who are unknowingly becoming the receiving end of your anger. Resentment breeds anger and emotional blindness, so you must be more aware of your emotions and how you express them.
8. Engage in as many hobbies as you can. The less time you spend moping and concentrating on your resentments, the easier it will be for you to heal. Talk to people who have no resentments. Such people are pleasant, and seem to be at peace. They should be your inspiration. Aspire to be as resentment-free as possible, and hang out with such people to know how to let go of your inner demons.
10,was achieved with very little effort. Stay away from anything addictive. You might find refuge in drugs, alcohol, or food. Control your urges! There is so much more to life than vice!
Your Goal? To start utilizing these anger management and tips for dealing with resentments. Once you start to apply even one of these tips, your life can be so much more relaxed and serene. Anger and resentments should be dealt with promptly for peace of mind.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Link Between NLP and Hypnosis by Roseanna Leaton

The Link Between NLP and Hypnosis by Roseanna Leaton
I was standing in a queue the other day and overheard a snippet of conversation between two gentlemen. One was describing Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to the other and was very enthusiastically mentioning the ways in which it can be used to train your brain to achieve different outcomes. He was clearly very keen on NLP and had fully grasped its potential to help achieve success in almost everything you might wish to do.
I heartily agree with this gentleman. NLP offers the human race an amazing set of mental tools or mental skills which can be applied easily, quickly and most importantly, they are powerfully effective. What piqued my curiosity was his answer to a question posed by his friend, namely "isn't NLP hypnosis?" He replied that NLP was completely different, a separate thing entirely. I have heard this response more than once, which made me wonder why so many people seem to want to deny the central part which hypnosis played in the foundation of NLP and the part which hypnosis continues to play in its application,but have you considered the best possible way to enact them.
It was after all the work of Milton Erickson (world renowned psychotherapist and hypnotherapist) which formed the foundation of a lot of NLP. NLP in fact has a very close association with hypnosis. So why deny it? I have come to the conclusion that some people are afraid of the "mystical image" of hypnosis whereas NLP is "sold" as just something incredibly logical and thus has more appeal to the professional person's mentality. I can only conjecture as to the reason, and in reality I don't suppose it matters, other than the fact that it would be beneficial to everyone to realize that it is hypnosis which effectively "powers" NLP.
NLP has been described as the new science of personal achievement. It is a highly effective methodology based on the belief that all behavior has a structure and that this structure can be modeled, learned and changed. Neuro stands for the nervous system and how we use our five senses (see, hear, feel, taste and smell) to translate experience into both conscious and unconscious thought processes. Linguistic stands for the use of language in interpreting experiences and how we communicate those experiences. Programming refers to the fact that our thoughts, feelings and actions are simply learnt programs of habit which we can change should we wish to do so,such as gold vs. silver.
NLP recognizes the fact that our thoughts create our emotions and direct our actions, and therefore by changing how you think you can change how you feel and act. NLP is a model of how we understand and utilize human communication, behavior and experiences to achieve a specific outcome. It has evolved into an incredibly powerful set of techniques for achieving human excellence in both business and personal development. It is a very useful tool used in rapidly dissolving a phobia, or overcoming compulsions,UGG 5685. It has extremely far reaching applications.
But you will usually find that NLP is applied in conjunction with hypnosis,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Black Boots, because hypnosis is a state which allows access to your subconscious mind, the part of your mind where instinctive and automatic thoughts, beliefs, habits and behaviors are stored. Thus the principles of NLP are applied whilst in hypnosis so that these inner beliefs and habits can be changed. This is why I said before that it is hypnosis which gives NLP its power,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Grey Boots. You may see it from a different angle and say that NLP is what gives hypnosis its power,a stable family, but few should deny that there is a very close link between the two.
Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis downloads which utilize the mind training methodology of NLP.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

will be the culmination of your personal mission.

Life Training Teaches us About Clarity of Foresight by Gary Eby
A vision is a central picture that unites the heart,Ugg Fox Fur Tall, the mind, and desires at hand to a future desired result. A sturdy crystallized vision will help you attain your goals in the future and compel that vision to manifest itself into the present. As well as compel it to produce tangible proof of its awareness. The manifestation of your personal mission in life measuring up your self worth to further enhance your personal good.
Observant people with vision see more in a walk around the block than others see in a trip around the world because they repulse to be limited by their senses.
Helen Keller once said ..."The only thing worse than not having sight is not having vision."
Let's clarify it. Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window.
The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. And even though there was a curtain between them, the men talked for hours every day. They talked about of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation.
And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.
The man on the other bed looked forward to the one hour where he had the chance to look at the beauty that life readily shows. On this brief moment he is truly at a tranquil and serene state drawn to lush scenery brimming with life which is truly an uplifting sight to behold.
Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow. Huge oak trees graced the landscape, and a great view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in extreme detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the beautiful scenes.
One afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn't hear the band - he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window described it so well.
Days and weeks go by. And one ominous morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She called the hospital attendants to take the body away.
As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it for himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.
The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, "Maybe, he just wanted to encourage you." That man didn't have sight, but he did have vision. He could not look out. But, he did have a good outlook!
John Lubbock once said, "What we see depends mainly on what we look for."
What are you looking for? Are you able to see the verdant forest for the trees? Are you so dragged down today, that you've lost your vision for the future? Is your vision clouded with the connotation "that seeing is believing?" when in fact "believing is seeing?" Is your vision more "now you see it now you don't" rather than a true guiding light that always points directly to your dreams?
The inconceivable truth is "What you see, what you have a vision for, is what you get." You have to believe it so much that the picture will become etched in your heart. It will then materialize itself in the present!
It is unavoidable to turn on the radio now without hearing a commercial advertising a new form of vision correction,when you know how to do so.. We've gone from glasses to bifocals,of course with the stipulation that they actually need them. In many neighborhoods, to trifocals, to no-line trifocals and now into LASIK surgery, PRK, RK,Cindy returned two weeks later and was amazed by the transformation in her, AK, AL, and so on, and on and on!
Metaphorically speaking, have some personal "life-vision" correction! Are you, as far as your dream is concerned being nearsighted? If you have no problem seeing things up close but have trouble seeing things that are far away, then you might be nearsighted.
Then you need to correct your vision. You need to see past today. Yes, today's decisions will significantly impact tomorrow. You have to "perceive" ahead and make decisions on what you observe. I'm not talking about being a fortune teller-no not at all, neither being a medium or a psychic. But more of a mentalist for the most part, you see if you are keen enough to be aware of intricate details in your surrounding then you will have a clear vision of what you desire in the future. You see it in your heart that will affect all of your decisions today. It's like a self fulfilling prophecy. Your words and your actions will guide your future. When your words and actions align themselves with your vision it is an unfathomable power that of untapped potential.
A vision conceptualizes the end result and takes action to achieve a certain goal on the way to that end result. When a course correction is necessary, it's made without reservation and without hesitation. You take one step, then another and your vision will get clearer and clearer as you move towards it.
It is a powerful principle that will help you achieve peak performance to understand that vision is even more about than just the present,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Black Boots. A real vision is about what is happening "today" and the adaptability to build the skills necessary either through life training, leadership training by a life coach one can attain these distinct abilities.
Visionaries changed the world with their outlooks,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Black Boots, the desire, the passion and the action to make this a reality. The clearest visions of all are "right-now" visions, visualize yourself unto a future that will materialize itself in the present, will be the culmination of your personal mission.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

because doing so can only be of course of the law of attraction

How To Manifest A Miracle In Your Lifetime Right Now by Gary meadows
A miracle pertains to something not occurring by natural law: A manifestation not equal to the reason. For instance, someone is involved in a vehicle wreck that leaves the vehicle completely razed. The individual has the capacity to disappear with out using scratch. You should, it cannot be described. It's considered a miracle.
You're shot 5 times during a disagreement which includes a stranger,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Black Boots, once while in the back and stomach and 3 times inside the chest,Do you like a kick in the pants or a persistent nudge, and are able to recover which has no noticeable or long term damage. The plane that you are flying on has a mechanical failure and crashes in to the ground some 250 feet below. You are able to disappear physically unscathed. They are miracles of great proportions by leaving many people to wonder when there is something supernatural happening.
A bit more subtle but believe it or not spectacular are a handful of everyday miracles that take place within the lives of ordinary people. People who were once dependent on drugs or alcohol suddenly wake up to a new life-style at some point, leaving days gone by behind permanently without any real reasoning. They only change. What about the 125 pound woman who lifts an auto because her child is pinned underneath? Adrenaline or perhaps a miracle, you choose.
Simple truth is we produce whatever it is we presume about,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots. Miracles to the majority persons are some unexplainable event that merely happens irregardless of their own will. Maybe not all miracles are human induced,UGG 1984, but numerous of which are and more could be. Not enough people understand the connection between mind and matter and the law of attraction. In respect towards Law of Attraction, we attract energy much like our personal.
Ever thought about why you attract a similar type of person repeatedly? It's not the fact that a couple are merely alike but your issues surrounding those unique individuals never appear to change. Women who date harassing men will continue to attract men who are either emotionally as well as actually harassing, even though you don't see any signs from your beginning.
In order to show itself a miracle, or watch in the forefront the way the law of attraction operates, you need to concentrate on how it's you want. Compose down what you need in details. What you are doing here is building a conscious creation to create from inside. Once this can be achieved, you may be spending an ample period of time throughout your entire day practicing the ability of meditation, imagination,you do get called on it. The game of luck runs out., and visualization of what it's you would like to create.
This mind exercise is vital because eventually it will quickly spill over into your emotional state. You will begin to feel which you have already accomplished what it is you choose. You may feel your intuitive voice speak. This is the place of enthusiasm, where the thought and feeling merge to make even something greater. This must be a feel good way so that you can operate properly,most disappointments end up being great lessons for me and I come out much stronger.. This is just what you call magic, why that woman can lift that car or how a junkie can leave the roads. This miracle, this end result is caused through faith. With an unwavering belief that what are going to be will probably be, because doing so can only be of course of the law of attraction, you might have and then trust ultimately result rather than be moved or even discouraged by all else between. This faith may be the rock encouraging the desire and passion and it's also Love that produces any of this even possible.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

as connectors

Heal Your Life With The Help Of The Angels by Kate Loving Shenk
Amanda Goldston was our guest on Moon, Moo & You: The Collective Wisdom on 3/31/09. It was a great show.
I liked how we all shared our collective wisdom regarding angel encounters, because we've all had them. Naturally those of us on the show were already True Believers. But even those who are skeptics have had encounters with Angels. They just may not have recognized them as such.
Amanda says that she talks to her angels all the time, but is careful not to do this in public for the very real possibility that she will be institutionalized. Yet in the age of cell phone conversations, everyone is seemingly talking to themselves in public,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Chocolate Boots, making it easier for us to keep our conversations with angels going uninterrupted!
Amanda has a deck of of Angel Cards she uses to intensify her ability to communicate. She says she also calls on different angels to deal with different challenges.
She says that we must remember to ask for help, and theses beings will be there to help the minute or second we ask.
Joan brought up an experience she had in a difficult life situation. She woke up with the distinct impression that someone was holding her hand. She thought it was Whitey, her husband, but there was no one there.
Joan asked Amanda if it was an angel who was holding her hand.
Amanda said this happens all the time.
When children are lost in the wilderness, angels often show up to care for them and aid in their rescue.
Angels wrap their wings around us all and love us until we learn to love ourselves.
Amanda said to look at angels as helpers, as connectors, as beings who hook us up to a larger dimension and reality.
Give your angel a name or not because Angels don't mind. They will answer to anything.
Meditate on who your angel is and how he/she can help you.
God is not limited to any religion, as well. Alcoholics Anonymous calls God the Higher Power and in reality anything or anybody can be the Higher Power.
This is available to everyone.
Joan's sister Betty came on the call to discuss an experience she had with the angels,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots.
Her son was looking for a pair of pants. Betty went to the third story of her home to look for these pants.
The pants simply showed up for her without her having to tear up the entire room. This experience seemed so mundane, so trite. Yet by asking for help with the small things, we are practicing to remember for the times when major challenge arises.
Complete surrender is often a component of angel contact. If we ask and get attached to how it's supposed to look, we block the avenues available for divine intervention.
When we let go of outcome, the contact will suddenly show up,these tasks to those professionals.
Amanda taught us a great journaling technique of how to we can ask the angels for help, an exercise in "conscious surrender."
Draw a line down the center of the page. On the left, write down everything you can do to accomplish a particular goal you are working on,In their book High Altitude Leadership, such as make a phone call or write a blog entry, for instance.
On the right, ask the angels to help the only way an angel can, by bringing into your life the people who can help, by bringing unexpected money and resources into your life. Then you let go.
In this state of surrender, you follow through on your hunches and intuition which allows the unseen forces to carry you effortlessly to your destination.
The less you fuss about outcome and the focus on fear, the more the mind can concentrate on peace and eternity. Resistance and tension melt away.
Think of the worst thing that can happen: loss of job, loss of income, loss if life itself. Visualize what you would do if anything like your worst fear actually happens,what did this person teach you.
When you go beyond the fear, the pathways are cleared for the good to come in.
These are comforting guidelines for the challenges that confront us. We do not need to stay immersed in' the reality that the world tells us is true: economic collapse, poverty, joblessness, hunger.
Unplug the TV. Pray to the angels,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Black Boots. Open up a two way conversation with all the unseen forces in the Universe.
As I sit here writing these words, the silence that permeates this moment in time, the occasional birdsong as night falls, the glimpse of the Cardinal out my window as I think of Betty finding the pants for her son, all allows me to feel connected to to this gift of solitude and to the higher Universal Beings who everywhere surround us.
I know we are never alone. The angels wait for our invitation. The dogs who lie by my side tell me they are angels, too. The love they continuously radiate is an awesome gift to everyone they meet.
Angelic Intervention is ours for the asking. They clear the consciousness for higher energies to take the steering wheel.
As far as I'm concerned, my life is theirs. I am no longer in charge, not that I ever was.
The difference is that now, I finally know it.

Friday, November 9, 2012

you do not want to relate to any word but to group of words or main ideas of the material

How To Get Started In Speed Reading! by Joe Okoro
If you are a reader but you find it difficult to read large chunk of information, then you need speed reading. If you are unable to read large novels and write-ups or you generally find studying boring, then you need speed reading. However, to read successfully at an alarming speed, you need to follow some basic rules and strategies.
The main purpose of speed reading is for comprehension of material in a short time span. To accomplish this you will need to practice while timing and checking your comprehension of the material as you go along. The key to success in speed reading is practice, practice and practice some more, if possible keep a progress report on your reading activity.
In speed reading you have to train your eyes to span across more than a word. You have to learn initially how to read two words simultaneously, then three, then a group of words and possibly a full sentence,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Chocolate Boots. Now lets come home and see what we are talking about. Let us consider the following examples below. It is a true or false test, so pay close attention and answer them before proceeding to the answers below because it can help you in speed reading.
A. In all, the ways we can read very fast is limited _______________
B. There are basic rules governing speed reading that you must learn ________
C. In the beginning of a speed reading activity, a reader can grasp one whole sentence? ___________
D. A speed reader need a daily program of reading activity to learn _________
E. At the onset of a reading exercise,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots, the starter should scan the material once _________________
Now answers to the test exercise above.
A. The truth of the matter is there are many ways we can speed read. Strategies upon strategies keep coming up for our use from time to time. It is left upon us to choose from any one of them that suits our interest,you controlled nothing. You didn't fantasize your feelings would turn out like this. But in the letters we receive. Therefore the answer to A is True.
B. The answer here is True. It is not just possible to start speed reading without knowing some guiding rules you can use to achieve your goals. With those rules a starter is guided and he practices reading successfully.
C. It is not possible for a new person in speed reading to grasp one whole sentence at a glance. He will need to practice to reach this level of comprehension. Therefore the answer here is false.
D. The answer is true,that comment could be applicable to the pregnant thing too but actually I was referring to my lying.,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Black Boots. A new speed reader should choose a conducive environment and a program of daily reading activity with all the strategies in place to help him read fast.
E,and that I didn't even have a right to try to do things.. True is the answer. It is always advisable that before you take up any reading material, it will be proper you preview it and quickly run your eyes across and along the material to fully acquaint you with the topic or theme of the material. However, you should also know that you are not reading this material for the purpose of concluding it fast, instead it should be for informative reasons. While reading, you do not want to relate to any word but to group of words or main ideas of the material, thus enhancing understanding. For instance, let study the scenario below:
Example Sentence:
Scientific discoveries had it that a spider can create millions of webs in seconds.
A spider can create millions of webs in micro minutes.
The main idea in the above scenario is that the speed reader was able to know how fast a spider can make webs. This he has accomplished, even though, he has no statistics as to the exact time it takes the spider to make the millions of webs, this detail is not relevent to the speed reader. In order words, focus on your comprehension level while reading fast is your ultimate goal as a speed reader and you can achieve that through consistent practice, timing and keeping a good record of your activities to checkmate your reading ability.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

you'll be less likely to put off tasks

Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination, the habit of putting tasks off to the last possible minute, can be a major problem in both your career and your personal life. Missed opportunities, frenzied work hours, stress, overwhelm, resentment, and guilt are just some of the symptoms. This article will explore the root causes of procrastination and give you several practical tools to overcome it.
Replace "Have To" With "Want To"
First, thinking that you absolutely have to do something is a major reason for procrastination. When you tell yourself that you have to do something, you're implying that you're being forced to do it, so you'll automatically feel a sense of resentment and rebellion. Procrastination kicks in as a defense mechanism to keep you away from this pain. If the task you are putting off has a real deadline, then when the deadline gets very close, the sense of pain associated with the task becomes overridden by the much greater sense of pain if you don't get started immediately.
The solution to this first mental block is to realize and accept that you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Even though there may be serious consequences, you are always free to choose. No one is forcing you to run your business the way you do. All the decisions you've made along the way have brought you to where you are today. If you don't like where you've ended up, you're free to start making different decisions, and new results will follow. Also be aware that you don't procrastinate in every area of your life. Even the worst procrastinators have areas where they never procrastinate. Perhaps you never miss your favorite TV show, or you always manage to check your favorite online forums each day. In each situation the freedom of choice is yours. So if you're putting off starting that new project you feel you "have to" do this year, realize that you're choosing to do it of your own free will. Procrastination becomes less likely on tasks that you openly and freely choose to undertake.
Replace "Finish It" With "Begin It"
Secondly, thinking of a task as one big whole that you have to complete will virtually ensure that you put it off. When you focus on the idea of finishing a task where you can't even clearly envision all the steps that will lead to completion, you create a feeling of overwhelm. You then associate this painful feeling to the task and delay as long as possible. If you say to yourself, "I've got to do my taxes today," or "I must complete this report," you're very likely to feel overwhelmed and put the task off.
The solution is to think of starting one small piece of the task instead of mentally feeling that you must finish the whole thing. Replace, "How am I going to finish this?" with "What small step can I start on right now?" If you simply start a task enough times, you will eventually finish it. If one of the projects you want to complete is to clean out your garage, thinking that you have to finish this big project in one fell swoop can make you feel overwhelmed, and you'll put it off. Ask yourself how you can get started on just one small part of the project. For example, go to your garage with a notepad, and simply write down a few ideas for quick 10-minute tasks you could do to make a dent in the piles of junk. Maybe move one or two obvious pieces of junk to the trash can while you're there. Don't worry about finishing anything significant. Just focus on what you can do right now. If you do this enough times, you'll eventually be starting on the final piece of the task, and that will lead to finishing.
Replace Perfectionism With Permission To Be Human
A third type of erroneous thinking that leads to procrastination is perfectionism. Thinking that you must do the job perfectly the first try will likely prevent you from ever getting started,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots. Believing that you must do something perfectly is a recipe for stress, and you'll associate that stress with the task and thus condition yourself to avoid it. You then end up putting the task off to the last possible minute, so that you finally have a way out of this trap. Now there isn't enough time to do the job perfectly, so you're off the hook because you can tell yourself that you could have been perfect if you only had more time. But if you have no specific deadline for a task, perfectionism can cause you to delay indefinitely. If you've never even started that project you always wanted to do really well, could perfectionism be holding you back?
The solution to perfectionism is to give yourself permission to be human. Have you ever used a piece of software that you consider to be perfect in every way? I doubt it. Realize that an imperfect job completed today is always superior to the perfect job delayed indefinitely. Perfectionism is also closely connected to thinking of the task as one big whole. Replace that one big perfectly completed task in your mind with one small imperfect first step. Your first draft can be very, very rough. You are always free to revise it again and again. For example, if you want to write a 5000-word article, feel free let your first draft be only 100 words if it helps you get started. That's less than the length of this paragraph.
Replace Deprivation With Guaranteed Fun
A fourth mental block is associating deprivation with a task. This means you believe that undertaking a project will offset much of the pleasure in your life. In order to complete this project, will you have to put the rest of your life on hold? Do you tell yourself that you will have to go into seclusion, work long hours, never see your family, and have no time for fun? That's not likely to be very motivating, yet this is what many people do when trying to push themselves into action. Picturing an extended period of working long hours in solitude with no time for fun is a great way to guarantee procrastination.
The solution to the deprivation mindset is to do the exact opposite. Guarantee the fun parts of your life first, and then schedule your work around them. This may sound counterproductive, but this reverse psychology works extremely well. Decide in advance what times you will allocate each week to family time, entertainment, exercise, social activities, and personal hobbies. Guarantee an abundance of all your favorite leisure activities. Then limit the amount of working hours each week to whatever is left. The peak performers in any field tend to take more vacation time and work shorter hours than the workaholics. By treating your working time as a scarce resource rather than an uncontrollable monster that can gobble up every other area of your life, you'll begin to feel much more balanced, and you'll be far more focused and effective in using your working time. It's been shown that the optimal work week for most people is 40-45 hours. Working longer hours than this actually has such an adverse effect on productivity and motivation that less real work is done in the long run. What would happen if you only allowed yourself a certain number of hours a week to work? What if I came to you and said, "You are only allowed to work 10 hours this week?" Your feeling of deprivation would be reversed, wouldn't it? Instead of feeling that work was depriving you of leisure time, you'd feel you were being deprived of work. You'd replace, "I want to play" with "I want to work," your motivation for work would skyrocket, and all traces of procrastination would vanish.
I also strongly recommend that you take at least one full day off each week with no work whatsoever. This will really recharge you and make you eager to start the coming week. Having a guaranteed work-free day will increase your motivation for work and make you less likely to procrastinate. If you know that the next day is your day off, you'll be less likely to put off tasks, since you won't allow yourself the luxury of allowing them to spill over into your day off. When you think that every day is a work day, however, work seems never-ending, and you always tell yourself, "I should be working." Thus, your brain will use procrastination as a way to guarantee that you get some form of pleasure in your life.
Use Timeboxing
For tasks you've been putting off for a while, I recommend using the timeboxing method to get started. Here's how it works: First, select a small piece of the task you can work on for just 30 minutes. Then choose a reward you will give yourself immediately afterwards. The reward is guaranteed if you simply put in the time; it doesn't depend on any meaningful accomplishment. Examples include watching your favorite TV show, seeing a movie, enjoying a meal or snack, going out with friends, going for a walk, or doing anything you find pleasurable. Because the amount of time you'll be working on the task is so short, your focus will shift to the impending pleasure of the reward instead of the difficulty of the task. No matter how unpleasant the task, there's virtually nothing you can't endure for just 30 minutes if you have a big enough reward waiting for you.
When you timebox your tasks, you may discover that something very interesting happens. You will probably find that you continue working much longer than 30 minutes. You will often get so involved in a task, even a difficult one, that you actually want to keep working on it. Before you know it, you've put in an hour or even several hours. The certainty of your reward is still there, so you know you can enjoy it whenever you're ready to stop. Once you begin taking action, your focus shifts away from worrying about the difficulty of the task and towards finishing the current piece of the task which now has your full attention.
When you do decide to stop working,Does Speed Reading Take The Joy Out Of Reading, claim your reward, and enjoy it. Then schedule another 30-minute period to work on the task with another reward. This will help you associate more and more pleasure to the task, knowing that you will always be immediately rewarded for your efforts. Working towards distant and uncertain long-term rewards is not nearly as motivating as immediate short-term rewards. By rewarding yourself for simply putting in the time, instead of for any specific achievements, you'll be eager to return to work on your task again and again, and you'll ultimately finish it.
The writing of this article serves as a good example of applying the above techniques,and how to avoid them.. I could have said to myself, "I have to finish this 2000-word article, and it has to be perfect." So first I remember that I don't have to write anything; I freely choose to write articles. Then I realize that I have plenty of time to do a good job, and that I don't need to be perfect because if I start early enough, I have plenty of time to make revisions. I also tell myself that if I just keep starting, I will eventually be done. Before I started this article, I didn't have a topic selected, so I used the timeboxing method to get that done. Having dinner was my reward. I knew that at the end of 30 minutes of working on the task, I could eat, and I was hungry at the time, so that was good motivation for me. It took me a few minutes to pick the topic of overcoming procrastination, and I spent the rest of the time writing down some ideas and making a very rough outline. When the time was up, I stopped working and had dinner,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Black Boots, and it really felt like I'd earned that meal.
The next morning I used the same 30-minute timeboxing method, making breakfast my reward. However, I got so involved in the task that I'm still writing 90 minutes later. I know I'm free to stop at any time and that my reward is waiting for me, but having overcome the inertia of getting started,One of the easiest ways to overcome being shy is to find someone to emulate. Your role model will then serve as your anchor., the natural tendency is to continue working. In essence I've reversed the problem of procrastination by staying with the task and delaying gratification. The net result is that I finish my article early and have a rewarding breakfast.
I hope this article has helped you gain a greater insight into the causes of procrastination and how you can overcome it. Realize that procrastination is caused by associating some form of pain or unpleasantness to the task you are contemplating. The way to overcome procrastination is simply to reduce the pain and increase the pleasure you associate with beginning a task, thus allowing you to overcome inertia and build positive forward momentum. And if you begin any task again and again,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Chocolate Boots, you will ultimately finish it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

When the boogeyman growls Whoa

Don’t Let the Boogeyman Steal Your Dreams
The boogeyman lurking in the closet scares the bejesus out of little kids. Big people know the imaginary monster from their childhood isn t real. Yet, adults freeze in their tracks when the same monster pops up on their path in life.
The closer we come to reaching our dreams, the more our monstrous emotions and mind-talk flash their urgent warnings, Stop! Don t go any further. You can t pull it off. You re not good enough. You re gonna screw up. Or get hurt. Or die! When you buy into these threats,What would you create if you could wave a magic wand and it would appear, you can feel confused. Numb. Scattered. Unfocused. So, ask yourself, Is what the ego telling me true? If you don t challenge the propaganda of the boogeyman, you might quit going after your dreams altogether.
When you find yourself waylaid by the ego monster, you can reclaim your power and clarity by using facts from your life as ammunition against the ego.
Just the Facts, Ma am
Remember the old Dragnet TV cop show,Crisis Management? Actor Jack Webb played the no-nonsense police detective Sgt. Joe Friday. Often in the course of his questioning, Sgt. Friday was bombarded by the frantic, emotional babbling of confused and upset citizens. To cut to the bottom line, the wise detective somberly requested of the women, Just the facts, ma am.
By gathering facts and disregarding the misleading interpretations of people s minds and emotions the sergeant built a rock solid case.
In order to withstand the dream-shattering attacks of the boogeyman, you need to establish a solid case too. By gathering just the facts of your actual accomplishments and ignoring the inaccurate conclusions of your ego and emotions you create a solid foundation for creating your dream.
And what did Sgt,UGG 1984. Friday do to remember his facts? He wrote em down.
Save Your Dreams with a Journal
With its constant undermining, the ego has an effective weapon to halt your journey to happiness. The invalidation distorts your memory. It narrows your vision. It makes you forget that you are a valuable person. The monster deliberately distracts your attention from the times in your life when you did create what you wanted.
Creating a Dream-Saver Fact Journal of your factual successes is an effective active step you can take to dispel the devastating, self-defeating inner talk of the ego. Forget about what you don t do well, or where you come up short. Jot down what, in fact, has gone well in your life. Especially, log in evidence that proves your ego is wrong about you being unlovable, untalented and unworthy of having what you want.
Friendly Facts Fend Off the Funk
List miracles and major achievements. Add to your journal daily. As you create success, document the specific, hard-core, firsthand, personal direct evidence that you can create your life the way you want it to be. When did you decide you needed more money, then got a raise? When did you decide to get a better job, and a great opportunity appeared out of nowhere? When did you want a new friend or lover, and you miraculously found one? Despite the odds being against you, when did you find the perfect place to live? When was there something wrong with your body, and it healed quicker than expected?
The purpose of the Dream-Saver Fact Journal is to remind you that you have succeeded in the past, and therefore, you can triumph now,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Black Boots. Your own irrefutable facts will refresh your awareness that you are lovable, talented and worthy!
Also, look for examples in your life where you felt good. Did someone unexpectedly treat you to dinner or a movie? Did you raise the spirits of the grocery clerk who was having a tough day? Did someone call you out of the blue with the information you needed? Keep track of your daily experiences of friendship, kindness, compassion, courage and acknowledgement.
Amass indisputable proof that verifies that you are supported when you follow your heart. Highlight actual events that demonstrate the rewards of expressing your authentic self in the world. Then review your achievements every time your energy and joy begin to wane. Make notes to remind yourself that you ve been victorious in many situations. Solid evidence causes the boogey monster to lose its power over you.
Move Past the Threats
In my own writing career,Try to practice these tips as faithfully as you can, I repeatedly consult my Success Journal throughout my process of articulating the inner workings of life. Sometimes as I travel into uncharted territories of authentic expression, the ego roars, They ll kill you if you say too much truth! or They ll put you away because they think you re crazy. Popular variations of the same threat are, You ll go insane if or You ll be alone if or You ll lose everything if Unless I take action to counter my ego, I m stuck in an emotional muck hole and quickly losing sight of any way out.
Dash the Dastardly Downers
The journal is my lifesaver and ally. This factual source about my life shows me I m capable of continuing in the direction of my goals. My own clear and undeniable evidence proves that I won t die, get locked away, go crazy, be alone or lose what s important.
Call the Bluff of the Ego
Bluffing is a primary skill of a successful poker player. Bluffing is a tactic the boogeyman has to employ since he never really holds the winning cards,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Chocolate Boots. When you accumulate a wealth of actual life experience to prove you ve repeatedly reached your goals, you have a royal flush. You re holding the winning hand. So, when the ego monster appears, call its bluff! When the ego spins a yarn about how you always lose, get hurt, or are going to die, pull out your ace in the hole: your journal of facts proving you have been able to create what you want in life.
Soothe the Savage Beast
The next time you re looking for a boost in confidence, don t listen to your mind and emotions. These rascals frame your life in the worst possible light. Check your Dream-Saver Journal to remind you of the successful final outcome the last time your inaccurate mind and emotions were trying to invalidate you.
When the boogeyman growls Whoa! when your heart whispers Go, quell the objections of your ego with proof of your creative power. Silence your inner critic. Bore the brute to death with true stories of your worth. Eventually the bellowing monster will turn into a pip-squeak and stop undermining you.
By reminding yourself of just the facts, you ll quiet the mind and soothe the emotions so you can keep moving towards your dream.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The repeated loss of sleep over a long period of time can cause a variety of harmful effects

Stress Management by Sandra Prior
Effectively reducing stress with Stress Management: Sleep, Relaxation, Biofeedback, Meditation, Massage.
A friend of mine was reminiscing with her 78 year old mother. She asked her, 'What was the happiest day of your life?' Her mother said, 'Today.' My friend said, 'But I thought your wedding day was the happiest.' Her mother said, 'It was then. But I can't live in the past. Today is my most important day, therefore, today is my happiest day.' The daughter asked, 'What about tomorrow?' Her mother said, 'If it comes, I'll make it the happiest day.'
I wonder if the mother had a problem with stress. Stress is as much a part of life as eating, drinking and sleeping. Learning stress management is often ignored by many people. Fortunately,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Grey Boots, stress management is not difficult to incorporate in one's life. It can be as simple as learning to relax or as complex as using biofeedback to regulate one's own heart rate. Here are some popular techniques used for stress management.
If you are normally alert, feel healthy and are in a good humor, you are probably getting a sufficient amount of sleep. No stress management program would be complete without understanding the importance of sleep. The phenomenon of sleep has never been completely understood, but it has been aptly named the 'great restorer.' Sleep is essential to the vital functioning of the body, and natural sleep is the most satisfying form of recuperation from fatigue. Revitalization of the body takes place during sleep, as well as the building of new cells and tissue repair; although these last two also occur during waking hours, the time during sleep allows these processes to take place more easily.
There is no clear cut amount of sleep that people need to achieve complete recuperation. The usual recommendation for adults is eight hours, but some individuals need more and more function very well on less.
The repeated loss of sleep over a long period of time can cause a variety of harmful effects, such as poor general health, nervousness, irritability, inability to concentrate, lowered perseverance of effort and serious fatigue. Under normal conditions, a night of sleeplessness followed by a period of prolonged sleep will restore the individual to his normal self. Sleeping is not always restful. Certain conditions influence the quality of sleep. These include: mental anguish, worry, hunger, cold, boredom and excessive fatigue.
Relaxation, Biofeedback, Meditation and Massage
The stress reduction management techniques of meditation and biofeedback can be considered as relaxation techniques. Relaxation is essential in relieving the tensions encountered in daily life. It can be achieved through massage, meditation, biofeedback, and other relaxation techniques that allow the muscles of the body to relax,then you can be sure it will be very difficult for you to achieve your dreams. You need to put yourself in a receiving position, thereby allowing the mind to be quiet.
The theory in meditation is that if the mind is at ease, then the other systems of the body will be more readily stabilized. The integration of relaxation and meditation makes up the theoretical basis of biofeedback. It is believed that the brain has the potential for voluntary control over all the systems that it monitors. This interaction between mind and body has provided the mechanism through which one can learn voluntary control over biological activity.
The stress response is such a powerful physiological reaction that an equally powerful physiological response is necessary to counter it,because my firm determination that I have to play a bigger role in life. This counter reaction is called the 'relaxation response'. But relaxation is a learned skill that takes practice. The simple truth is that many people don't relax because they don't know how. Learning the relaxation response can be accomplished through simple conditioning and habit formation.
One method of relaxation is called Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR). Because all muscles, to some degree, are in a constant state of tension, one must learn to recognize this tension in order to learn to relax the muscles. The objective of PMR is to induce deep muscular relaxation by gradually releasing tension from various parts of the body, one part at a time.
There are three different positions that can be used to facilitate any relaxation exercise,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Chocolate Boots, including PMR. These are:
Lying down on one's back,
Lying Prone,
Sitting in a semi reclined position
Any of the three positions can be equally effective, but beginners may benefit more from lying down. Regardless of the position chosen, comfort is an important aspect of achieving ultimate relaxation. Pillows should be used under the head, knees, arms, pelvis or feet depending on the position used. Any chairs should be comfortable and soft. Some people also find that listening to classical music helps them concentrate and eliminate outside distractions.
To help yourself relax, take your shoes off before getting into one of the three positions. Close your eyes and concentrate on the body's different muscle groups one at a time. You may want to repeat the following self instruction as you try to relax: I'm falling into a nice, relaxed state; I'm breathing deeply, slowly and smoothly. As I breathe, I'm becoming more and more relaxed... relaxed... relaxed. My toes are becoming numb; I feel a tingling sensation as the muscles in my toes become more relaxed and tension free. The numbness is beginning to creep up from my toes to my feet,the corn belt.
This self instruction takes the person all the way up the body from the toes to the head. This is only one example of self instruction - anything can be used as long as it provides a pattern of gradual relaxation throughout the body. The following instructions are given to enhance this technique.
1. Always make comfort the starting point of relaxation.
2. Speak to yourself in a slow, rhythmic monotonous manner.
3. Breathe slowly and rhythmically.
4. Use soft words like relax, soothing and smooth. Avoid words that are harsh and make you feel tense.
5. Don't go to the next body part until the part you're working on is relaxed.
6. When your body is completely relaxed, allow yourself to remain that way for several minutes before getting up to stretch.
This technique has been very successful in relieving such stress related illnesses as hypertension, migraine headaches and ulcers. But for those people who do not suffer these ailments, it still may be necessary to use this technique several times a day during severe stress situations.
Eventually relaxation becomes easier and spontaneous. When a person recognizes how a muscle should feel when relaxed, it becomes a matter of habit and allows a person to relax his or her muscles whenever it's desired. Some find it difficult to learn how a relaxed muscle feels because they have no standard for tension. To alleviate this problem, there's the Tension-Relaxation technique, a system that incorporates conscious tensing of muscles followed by relaxation to teach the difference between the two.
The Tension Relaxation technique is performed in the same manner as the PMR technique. In the Tension Relaxation technique, individual muscle groups are tensed during separate exercise sessions. The sessions are broken down into the following groups: hands, arms, legs, chest, back shoulders, neck and forehead. After the separate groups are mastered, the technique can be used to relax the entire body in one session. Furthermore, the tension part of the exercise will be removed as the body is conditioned to recognize the relaxed state. It's important to have the ability to recognize tension versus relaxation.
Practice Session No.1 - Hands Tension
With hands at your sides, clench your fists as tight as possible. Keep them clenched for at least 10 seconds. At first, you may want to tense only one hand at a time.
Release your hands and let your fingers slowly uncurl and go limp at your sides. Repeat this exercise 3 times. After 3 sets, keep your hands and body relaxed and rested for 20 - 30 minutes.
Tension relaxation technique will allow and individual to recognize even small degrees of tension that occur in the muscles. Like PMR, this technique has been successful in treating a variety of illnesses,Ugg Fox Fur Tall, such as hypertension and migraine headaches. In 2 weeks to 2 months relaxation will become a spontaneous habit that will become stronger every time a person relaxes.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Turn Out A Better Generation by Rebecca Hintze
The hope of our future depends upon our youth. If you're a parent, grandparent, or teacher and sometimes feel as though you have no influence, remember this quote by William Ross Wallace: "The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world."
Recently, I had a terrific experience with one of my daughters. On her own, she volunteered to provide service to a family in need. After completing her commitments to this struggling family, she shared her experience of serving. I was emotional listening to her explain her thoughts and feelings about the events surrounding this opportunity. While watching her eyes and expressions and listening to her tender thoughts and feelings, I noticed how much more advanced and wise my daughter seemed to be than where I was years ago at her same age. I shared the experience with my mother (who I knew would be a proud grandmother). My mother was thrilled, as she said to me, "That's perfect! Your job is to turn out a better generation,but eventually we will be called to change if we want some part of our life to be different. As someone who has been committed to personal growth and change for over 20 years." My mother pointed out that many times parents feel competitive with their children. But really, parents should be thrilled to watch their children out do them. She said, "If every generation put out a better generation, our world would be a better place,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Chocolate Boots. What better tribute to a family heritage than to send out a more improved version every few decades?"
How can we influence an improved generation of youth? Here are 10 suggestions for parents, grandparents,If we choose to stay friends with a former romantic partner, and even teachers and loving, influential friends:
1. Trust them! Children are born with inner knowing and are often more in tune with what's right and best than their parents realize. Often, adults shut this inner knowing down in youth by projecting fear and judgment and pressing upon them rules of social conditioning. Usually, our youth will naturally graduate toward greatness if we trust them and allow them to be authentic, remove our judgments and fears, and let their intuitive nature thrive and guide them.
2. See them! Parents and teachers frequently project their personal issues onto youth. What a parent fears will often play out in the life of a child. This can cause youth to act out in ways that are not natural to them. Consequently, destructive family patterns pass on, even when the behavior isn't instinctive to the child,What do you enjoy. When parents see their kids—who they really are—the youth are more apt to show up great. (For more on healing destructive patterns, see "Healing Your Family History" by Rebecca Linder Hintze.)
3. Listen to them! When parents and teachers are self-absorbed, they rarely listen to their youth. Listening is more than hearing what is being said. It is recognizing all that's being communicated and that includes paying attention to non-verbal cues. Doing this effectively requires a parent to step outside their own perception and see another's point of view. Children who are heard are more apt to keep the communication lines open—a critical factor in establishing and maintaining a healthy relationship.
4. Validate them! Once a child is heard, if they are validated, they feel more confident and empowered to succeed. Validation is they key to overcoming any relationship block! When we feel validated, we feel loved and supported. This process is absolutely essential to supporting healthy growth and self-esteem.
5. Encourage them! Today, most of the information communicated in our world is negative, or critical. As a society, we seem to miss this essential point—encouragement does far more good than any form of criticism, judgment, or negative influence.
6. Support them! Many youth today feel unsupported--either adults in their world don't do enough to sustain them, or they do too much, and consequently hinder their potential. Real support comes when the right balance is maintained. Know what your child can handle and still be successful. Then, maintain that balance.
7. Protect them! Healthy boundaries are essential throughout life. Teach youth to stay away from destructive influences that will literally ruin them—and stop them if they head down a destructive path. Adults don't let two-year-olds play in a busy road for good reason! There are many dangerous influences that threaten the lives of youth and keeping kids away from them is just as important as removing a baby from a busy road.
8. Guide them! Though teenagers think they know it all, good advice is best found from a loving, wise, and caring adult,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Chestnut Boots. I remind my teenage clients that their friends may seem smart, but really, they don't know much. Share your experiences and learning with youth and teach them correct principles that will foster long-term success.
9. Accept them! Remember in first grade when you colored a picture and you thought it looked great? If you saw it now, would it be a Rembrandt? Probably not. Youth will often do their best, and still it won't be as perfect as you can do now. What's not perfect is really perfect! We learn by making mistakes and healthy youth make a bunch of them. When I see a toddler throwing a fit, I smile and say, "He's perfect at being two." It really is okay when a teenager acts like a teenager and a wiggly boy acts rambunctious.
10. Love them! Living all these tips in relationships sends a loud message—that you love them! Ultimately, that's all you can do to support anyone—and it's the best thing you can do. Truly, all things will fail but love!
Your secret to being successful at accomplishing this list lies in your ability to apply these same solutions to yourself. If you struggle living these philosophies internally, you'll naturally resist applying them in relationships outside yourself.
If you are a person who trusts your judgment, sees your value, listens to your inner knowing,Ugg Fox Fur Tall, validates your feelings, encourages and supports yourself in healthy ways, has healthy boundaries and protects your environment, receives helpful guidance in a loving way, accepts your weaknesses and strengths, and has self-love--you'll find that guiding a better generation will come naturally.
As you heal, apply these principles—first, within. Next, use these tips in your relationships with family members, or with those you love and guide.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

a vegetable being formed

Bring Enlightenment to your Environment,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Grey Boots
Most self-help studies stress the need to create a perfect environment to be able to live a "successful" life. From the most famous celebrities to the most celebrated politicians, and all of us mere mortals in between! To be truly happy, therefore fulfilled and so able to share and give to our fellow humans,humans have placed certain connotations of what they perceive as their spiritual beliefs and this can greatly hinder you to go beyond these beliefs, environment is crucial.
Whether it's a city street,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Black Boots, a rural farm or a Hollywood stage, finding the environment that suits your character can be a lifelong search, so the journey must be enjoyed.
To be truly successful, happy, wealthy and wise, draw on all things natural around you and create a stress-free environment.
Get in touch with nature and re-assure yourself that the natural world will carry on no matter what. Draw from the creativity of a flower growing, a vegetable being formed, insects oblivious to what's on TV tonight, and water flowing over naturally formed rocks.
Try an experiment,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots... spend a full half hour or more alone in a forest or next to the sea, or failing that, a park where you won't be disturbed. Make sure you feel safe from wild animals and humans (,they actually respected my push back. We able to address that request at a more appropriate time.!) - and just let your mind wander, allow your thoughts to flow freely, call it meditation time if you need an excuse to spend some time on your own. Just enjoy and allow your thoughts to wander free and your imagination to leap into fantasies if you feel the need.
Draw from the enlightened natural energies around you and absorb the power... Got it? Great - now go home and create your own little bit of nature in your world.
Advancements in technology means food can be grown in a very small space indoors under lights if necessary. So, not having a garden isn't an excuse anymore. To fit an indoor growing system does require a little cash so you can always use that as an excuse if you want to find one!. However, the materials and set-up of a basic hydroponics system is little more than the cost of a few regular garden tools, so the choice is yours.
A balcony or roof garde can be used to grow all sorts of container plants. Most veggies and flowers will grow in containers and once set up, there is little maintenance and lots of time to enjoy the plants and absorb the creativity of it all.
If you have a garden available, the choices are so vast you can get lost in the whole garden thing. A lawn is easy and needs mowing every week or so, but apart from the exercise, this type of garden isn't fulfilling it's potential. Grow some flowers, vegetables or herbs.
Create a theme or build a water feature.
Plan your garden before you start, then you'll be able to iron out any problems before they stress you out. Work out what you want to plant, what you need,Not only can we recognize that we are within a near infinite number of fields of force, and organise your time so you can spend a little time every day with your natural environment....enlightenment will follow naturally!


Antidotes To Bad Moods And Negative Emotions by Luc Reid
I've talked recently about how emotions can amplify themselves, an effect called "mood congruity." This phenomenon is like an overzealous lunchlady, who sees a spoonful of mushy peas on your plate and keeps serving you more and more on the assumption that you must obviously love peas. In that post, I talked about the way purposely bringing up thoughts and memories associated with a better mood can help stop the lunchlady, effectively moving us forward in the lunchline to the mashed potatoes or Jell-O.
Buddhist thought offers a more refined version of this idea, the equivalent of trading in our mushy peas for whatever is least like mushy peas on the entire menu. In a book called Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama, this approach is called "emotional antidotes," and it's backed up by good science,especially when I got the double off my buddy Chuck Helling.
The idea behind emotional antidotes is that for each negative emotion, there is an opposite emotion that can be used to dissolve or extinguish the negative one,· building self-esteem.. For instance, have you ever tried administering puppies to someone who's in a bad mood (assuming they don't hate puppies, in which case they may be a lost cause)? Science shows us that puppies are inimical to sour moods. This does not mean that the opposite of depression is puppies, although if you have to take away the wrong idea from this post,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots, that's at least a wrong idea that has some utility.
What specific emotions are antidotes to others? (I'll depart in some details from the Buddhist model here, partly since emotions as seen through the lens of classical Buddhist thought are not quite the same ones we tend to think of in the West.)
As a prime example, love extinguishes anger and don't think I'm getting all touchy-feely on you here. Love is a specific emotion that I'd bet good money you can identify, and most of us can find something that,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Grey Boots, if we think about it a little, will give rise to feelings of love in us. (As an example, it's very easy for me to conjure up feelings of love by remembering things about my son.) Anger is not compatible with love: we have only one brain,doesn't do what you want, and that brain will be awash with a specific set of brain chemicals at a any given time. The chemicals that support anger (like adrenaline) are not the same as the chemicals that support love (like oxytocin). Summoning up feelings of love changes our brain chemistry and also harnesses mood congruity to increase those feelings of love, as thinking about one memory that inspires love tends to remind us of other memories that inspire love. Feeling angry and want to change it? Remind yourself of what you love.
Similarly, taking pleasure in things we admire about other people can help defeat jealousy,5685 Ugg Fox Fur Short Black Boots; thinking about things that that excite us can help defeat depression; thinking of things that make us confident or at peace can help defeat anxiety; and so on.
There's also a panacea of a sort, an antidote to all negative emotions, which is to recognize their emptiness. This is very much like the basic idea behind idea repair: negative emotions very often (though not always!) are based on ideas that are misleading or false, or that assume too much, such as "There's no way I can learn all this" or "Everybody in the room must think I'm an idiot." Since we can't read minds, and since even if we could other people's thoughts about us do not define us, any anxiety or distress or overindulgence in Doritos that may arise from believing everyone else in the room thinks one is a idiot is acting on an empty, fake, false idea. When we really examine what we're telling ourselves about what happens to us, often negative feelings evaporate as we examine them in greater depth.
Either way, whether we use specific emotions as antidotes or poke the balloons of our negative emotions until they pop, greater self-understanding or positive feelings can be consciously used as a tool to break up bad moods and negative emotions. And if this doesn't work, there are always puppies.